Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Theory of Controlled Demolition that let to the...

On September 11th, 2001 2 American Airlines and 2 United Airlines flights were hijacked. One of the planes crashed into a field in Shankesville, Pennsylvania, another destroyed the Pentagon, and the last two hit the World Trade Center in New York City, New York. Most Americans remember exactly what happened on that tragic day. After these events took place, civillians started to ask questions aout what really happened during these attacks. The United States pointed fingers at the terrorist group, Al Queda. The theory of controlled demolition that let to the collape of the World Trade Center, was widely believed and a potential possibility. Demolition experts reviewed the videos of the World Trade Center falling and they agreed about how a controlled demolition could have been the cause of the collapse. According to experts, the building fell as if many small explosives were planted on all sides and it exploded in a very specific order. This is very similar to a controlled demolition. When videos of the World Trade Center falling were compared to a building falling due to a controlled demolition, it does not take an expert to see that the buildings look almost identical in the way and speed with which they fall. People have also noticed in video footage of the World Trade Center seconds after the planes penetrated the bulding, that mini fires were torched on the floors. There are not many theoretical explanations for why there were fires, other than the possibility that

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